

Thursday, July 2, 2020

My term

The biggest challenge. The biggest challenge was about the 2 maori gods responsible for fruit and veggies.
It was very hard to read the big words. Some of the big words were like rhizome and vegetative. Evan the google define couldn't pronounce them.

Something i have improved on. I have improved on my math. specifically my angels. I learned how to use a protractor
and measure more than one angle. We did a sheet on them for the first lesson. i only got half of them on the first lesson
but i got it in a few weeks.

The highlight of my term was coming back from lockdown and seeing all my friends again. i had been stuck with the same people
for 7 weeks it got a bit boring so coming back to school was a good change of scenery.

Something i have learned. I have learned how to use coordinates on a sheet. They were hard at first but i got them in the end.
My favorite was a game we had to do on them. There was a number coordinates of on the screen and you had to write there
position on the board in 20 seconds.

What am i looking ford to this holidays. I am looking forward to going down to Taranaki to see my uncle and auntie. They have a dairy farm so we get to milk all the cowes. It takes about 14 ours to drive down there but its worth it. We get to see every body.     

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