

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Table cloth challenge. ሪ

This is my science experiment. We had to Get a tablecloth and some cups and plates on a table and yank the cloth out without letting the cups fall over. It was easier with the heavier cups because they weren't flying around everywhere. The first time i tried I did it on a small table but that didn't work because there was no room for the cups to land. Then i tried going as fast as I could on my bike with a piece of string tied to the back but I wasn't fast enough and the cups just fell off. My last one was the most successful. I pulled the cloth out as fast as I could and it worked! They both stayed in the same place.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Max, I like how you changed your variables when carrying out the experiment. Why do you think the heavier cups and plates worked better and didn't fly everywhere?


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