What is a success I have had this week: A success I have had this week was coming first in cross country. I had been training all year to try and win and the feeling i had when i came across the finish 1 place was amazing.
What is something I found challenging and why: A thing i found challenging this week was finishing my creative writing. This week we had to make a book for the piwi kids to read and it took me ages.
What is one thing I have learned: This week i learnt what a synonym means. A synonym is were you can find another meaning for the same word.
What am i looking ford to next week: something i am looking ford to next week is the cross country zones. It will be a very good challenge because we are versing all the schools in the north.
How have i sowen the value of pono this week: This week i have not shown pono but i have tryed to show all the other values.
Hi Max I am Ebes wow this post looks cool am Excited for the zones to great post awesome mahi.