

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


It's dark, the sun has not yet risen. A thick fog drifts around the silent cove. The tiny waves ripple onto the pebbled shore making a soft rumbling sound. The air is cool and fresh and the mist makes it hard to see. Suddenly a gray shadow appeared over the harizen. Dozens of armed ships emerge out of the fog like ghosts chugging for the shore. As they got closer I could see the terrified faces of the men inside. I heard the captain's voice readying the soldiers for something big. “Charge!” he yells as a burst of gunfire clatters down on the rocky shore. The sound of heavy boots crashing down on my friends makes my ears ring. Blood stains the beach from the many wounded and dying soldiers. The panicking men were sitting ducks down on the open beach just waiting for the rapid machine guns to mow them down. Just when I thought the carnage couldn't get worse an earth shattering Ka-BOOM ! shakes the cove followed by a blood curdling scream as an unfortunate soldier stepped on a Nazi landmine. His limp body flings high into the air then comes crashing down onto the stoney beach. I look away and dry reach at the horrible tragedy . Finally the heavy machine gun fire calms down and the remaining soldiers make their way up the steep gully into the bush. The stench of death wreaks through the now silent cove. Darkness closes in on the empty beach, as quick as they had come they had vanished even faster. Something a little pebble like me would never think to see in his life.

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