

Sunday, September 13, 2020

weekly reflection

  • What did I enjoy this week? This week i enjoyed watching Mulan with father Larry. We put newspaper over every single window to make it as dark as possible.

  • What was one success I have had and why? A success I have had this week is making it in for the Northland film festival. We have been shooting all our scenes for 3 weeks now and we finally won.

  • What is something that I found challenging and why? This week i found completing my contract very challenging. Next week to get it done intime i need to focus more.

  • What is one thing I have learned? This week i have learned the parts of a spoken word poem. You can see what they are on my spoken word slide.

  • What is something I am looking forward to next week? I am looking ford to Maori language week. We have games and challenges throughout the entire week.

  • How have I shown the value of Pono this week? I have showing the value pono by helping people with there clay art.

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